Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mariya {urban chic to cowgirl cutie}

With everything that's been going on these last few months I haven't had time to do any photo sessions. So when I got an email from our good friend Pat about Mariya's senior photos I was excited to get back into it and what a fabulous young woman to start back up with! Mariya is a natural in front of the camera, so photogenic, a photographers dream...Thanks Mariya, you rocked it! Here are just a few of my favourites.
We started in downtown Tacoma for some smokin' urban shots...

Then we headed out of the city for a country cowgirl look...Mariya pulled of both looks effortlessly.
Mariya's friend Olivia came along for fun so we got a few pics of them could tell they're good friends, they did a lot of laughing and were signing Taylor Swift song's while we were doing these!
Thanks to my friend and fellow photog Erin Erin Perkins for loaning me these cool lanterns
 and trunk, they were perfect out in this field.
Thanks Pat and Mariya!


  1. Beautiful senior and beautiful photos...way to go, happy to see you shooting again!!!! GREAT work!!

  2. Stunning... you do an amazing job with your seniors, Kate!!!! She's beautiful!

  3. Thanks Terri & Erin. It was good to go out and take some photos, it's been a while. Mariya was wonderful to photograph, very easy!

  4. OOoooah! Kate I just love this session you did. She is so pretty and I love all the diversity in her locations. Good work!

  5. Thanks Tresha, I loved this session too. Mariya is beautiful and a natural in front of the camera.
